Z Properties - inspection trip to Bulgaria (Bansko)Trying to sort things on your own when buying resort property may sometimes lead to discouraging experiences. A property viewing trip is a necessity that you should not overlook. The inspection trips are the most cost-effective, informative and professional way of viewing property in Bulgaria. We will organize your trip for YOU. The whole inspection trip will be specially organized to meet your needs and requirements and directly orientated to examine specific apartment units of your choice and within your budget.
Day 1
Day 3
Flights Daily scheduled flights from the UK (3 hrs flight time) BulgariaAir - www.air.bg
If you let us know of an exact date you want to come to see our properties, we will even arrange your flight and send you the electronic ticket information. With all the promotions we are even of your travel expenses and don't forget the two considering the opportunity for time sharing, if you bring a potential client and he actually buys an apartment - you receive 10 000 euro. This is a promotion that'l be valid until the end of September!
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